Hope-Filled Christian

Finding Comfort and Purpose in Scripture: Reflecting on Romans 8:37-39 and Jeremiah 33:3

Adrian Pineda

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Feeling like just another cog in the societal machine, replaceable and insignificant? We've all been there, and sometimes, it can be hard to shake off that feeling. This episode of HFC brings you solace and purpose in the comforting verses of Romans 8:37-39 and Jeremiah 33:3. We delve into the peace these verses bring, even in our darkest moments, and the reassurance that we are seen, loved, and held by God, rather than merely being gears in the machine of society. 

We also touch on the significant concept of being 'more than conquerors' and how these verses can help counteract feelings of unworthiness. The conversation shifts to Jeremiah 33:3, its context, and how God can use these verses to speak beyond their original context. Among the highlights is a personal story about encountering this verse in a surprising situation, which raises profound questions about our own communication with God. As we conclude with a heartfelt prayer, you're sure to find comfort and reassurance for your soul in this episode. Don't miss out!

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome back to HFC. This week's first is Romans 8, verse 37-39. It says no, in all these things. We are more than conquerors, through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Speaker 1:

I think when I hit my worst moments, when I'm at my lowest, this verse kind of brings me peace. I think a lot of times in the world it's really hard to not feel like you're just another number, you're just another tool, you're just another gear and the machinations of society. Something about this verse is just like it brings peace to that, that fear that you know you're just a blip in the huge ocean and you know you don't matter, you don't have no fact, you have no purpose, you have no any of that. And it's just nice to hear this verse, to know that God doesn't see you as just simply someone to go about and spread His word, or if you don't spread His word, he'll find someone else, if he does find other people to share His word, because that's part of what he's doing and there are other people sharing it. But at the same time, you are more than just a conqueror. You are more than just a number. You are loved, you are held, you are watched, you are seen.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I have this verse that really didn't know how to talk about it, but I wanted to talk about it. And I'm not necessarily going to talk about it hugely, like about its meaning or whatever, because the context of it is so much more like deeper than I could get into right now. But the verse is Jeremiah 33, verse 3. It says Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsurchable things you do not know. And when God's talking here, he's talking to Jeremiah, he's not talking to necessarily us. That's the context. We are not explicitly spoken of there. But the thing that I feel that sometimes people miss is, yes, there are certain contexts for certain verses and it's important to realize the context of that. But at the same time, I feel like, or I don't feel like I know that God uses these verses in ways that is meant to speak to us even beyond the context, beyond that moment, to know stuff, to realize things and I don't know, I wasn't necessarily. I guess it was weird that I came upon that verse because I don't know that I've heard it. I mean there are similar verses that have similar kind of things, like call to me and I'll be there for you, kind of feels or vibes, whatever.

Speaker 1:

But I wasn't like In a situation where it would have been easy. Like I wasn't like actively scrolling my Bible is what I'm trying to say Like I wasn't scrolling, I wasn't like looking at my physical Bible or I wasn't on my Bible app or anything. It just there happened to be a book that was like a verse thing laying around and it was open and it was like, huh, I wonder what this is open to. So then I flip it open and that was like one of the first verses I saw. It wasn't even necessary like the entire chapter, it was just like out of context. That verse and something about it was just like oh, have I actually been calling to God? Have I been reaching out? Have I been expecting unsearchable things? Have I been expecting great answers beyond my understanding answers? And that's not even necessarily what I'm trying to say in this episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm just trying to focus on the fact that it's so easy to feel like you're nothing except just something to help society get along, like you're just being used by people, whether it's your friends quote, unquote friends whether it's just like a person you know or a person you don't know. Someone like so, outside of what you exist in, like higher ups, or like there's always those like conspiracy theories or whatever that. Like there are people controlling and I'm not saying they're right or wrong. There are people controlling our stock markets. There are people controlling our governments, what we see, social media, like all that stuff, and it's so easy to get lost in just thinking that everybody's using you, everybody's lying to you, all they care about is money, all they care about is my attention, all they care about is this, all they care about is what I can do for them.

Speaker 1:

And then you see this first and it's just like no, and all these things. We are more than conquerors, through him who loved us, where I'm convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Now here are some practical applications that I've used this for, when I feel like I've messed up, and there's that little thought no, you've messed up too much. No, god can't use you. No, like you shouldn't go to church, like you're too I don't know how to describe it like dirty or something I've literally, this is one of the only verses I have up in my room and I have it taped above my piano because I don't know, I just like it there, and I always kind of use this verse as an answer, as a reply like, no, I'm more than just a conqueror, I'm more than just a, you know, another gear or another tool, something that could be replaced.

Speaker 1:

And I believe that neither death nor life, and neither angels nor demons, nor the present or the future, nor any powers need a height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. And it's such a bold statement that it, honestly, it helps when those thoughts creep in that you're not worth it, that you're not worth the time. Oh, god loves you, please. As if there's so many more important people, there's so many more capable people. It's just, it's a lovely verse, especially when you're feeling down, when you're feeling depressed like you just aren't enough. It's just a beautiful verse to reflect on.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, as always, let's go ahead and pray. Dear God, thank you for being with us, for ministering us and speaking to us in ways that don't make sense, in situations that we wouldn't expect it, for not just speaking and giving us peace in situations that are typical or easy, but also reaching out and following us and chasing after us and loving us in areas that aren't so easy, areas that aren't expected, especially when we fight back and allow fears to wash over us or control us or manipulate us. Lord, I thank you just for loving us the way that you do, not desiring to use us, but seeing us as more than just a person, but seeing us for who we are, not even our names, necessarily, but seeing us for our true selves, the name that only you know, the parts of us that only you know, for knowing us better than we know ourselves. Lord, I pray that you forgive us of our sins, lead us not into temptation and just help us to spend more and more time with you. Know, this fall is coming and it's almost a new year and it feels like life is rushing past and there's so many new things that are coming up for myself and, potentially, for whoever is praying this with me as well. Lord, thank you for helping us to realize that this is just. This is more than just another day for you, or more than just another person that you guide us, you watch over us and if, for, you're willing and ready to ask Lord, you'll provide guidance and answers for everything. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Speaker 1:

Hi, thanks for listening to this week's episode of HFC. Sorry for not posting every week anymore. I'm thinking of moving to bi-weekly because I am considering going back to school for my masters. That's exciting. Pray for me, you know, but yeah, check out the episode details for the songs I found this really cool one and pray that you guys have a God bless week and a God bless school year, if you're doing that. Anyway, thanks, bye.